Wedgewood Manor provides the comfort of home with a caring and committed staff. Our 24-hour skilled nursing facility is guided by a resident-directed care philosophy. Because residents largely direct their own care, assistance is given only in areas where it is needed. Staff members work with the same residents on a regular basis to develop trust, meaningful relationships, and lasting bonds. Wedgewood Manor provides a variety of services including skilled nursing, medical care, physical, occupational and speech therapy, rehabilitative and restorative programs, respite care, and therapeutic recreation.
Adult Day Care
Wedgewood Manor also offers adult day care. Established to give caregivers a break from their daily responsibilities, you can be certain that Wedgewood Manor will give your loved ones the very best care.
Good candidates for adult day care at Wedgewood Manor are those who:
- Benefit from friendship and functional assistance
- May be physically or cognitively challenged but do not require 24-hour supervision
- Are in the early stages of Alzheimer's Disease or suffer from memory concerns
Adult day care at Wedgewood Manor is a secure environment for seniors to enjoy activities, improve their physical and mental health, enhance or maintain their level of independence, and have nutritious meals and snacks.
For more information about Adult Day Care services at Wedgewood Manor, please contact Wedgewood Manor at 265-8453.
Wedgewood Manor is a member of the North Dakota Long-Term Care Association and the American Health Care Association.